Who We Are
Texas Blossoms beautifies Texas by planting and maintaining blossoming trees. We partner with local communities to plant trees lining roadways, in parks, and around schools and libraries. We believe that blossoming trees bring life and vibrancy back to historically underserved or underfunded areas. Texas Blossoms raises funds, organizes local volunteers, and coordinates with neighborhood organizations, governmental entities, non-profits, and individuals to spread life and community throughout Texas.
The late Anne and Charles Tandy, a prominent Fort Worth couple, originally envisioned lining the banks of the Trinity River with cherry blossoms. Though Charles passed away in 1978 and Anne passed away in 1980, their dream lived on and eventually became Texas Blossoms. Founded in Fort Worth, Texas, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit is unwavering in its commitment to give back to the community. In addition to providing lush scenery, the trees planted by Texas Blossoms also provide clean air for local communities, relief from heat islands, and destinations for pollinators.
Texas Blossoms is reliant on volunteers and donors. As the non-profit grows, we are recruiting individuals to form local chapters in other Texas cities. If you would like to get involved or learn more, please contact us.
Our Origin
On the morning of November 2, 1978, Ted St. Clair (Economic Development Director for the Chamber of Commerce and Morris Matson (Assistant City Manager of Fort Worth) had an appointment to meet with Charles Tandy. When they arrived, they were told that Mr. Tandy was in his office but they needed to wait because his wife was meeting with him, which surprised them because they were aware that Mrs. Tandy was not physically well. After a short wait, Mrs. Tandy and her nurse left, causing Ted to immediately ask Charles about his wife's health. Charles responded and turned to Morris with a question:
“My wife wants to plant cherry trees along the Trinity River from the Henderson Street Bridge to the W. 7th Street Bridge and make it a spectacle of Fort Worth. Do you know if the city will water and take care of 10,000 cherry trees if we plant them?”
Charles told them very seriously she might not live much longer, but while she was alive he wanted to do everything he could to make her happy. Charles’ concern about the project was not its cost but rather its viability. Morris told him he thought it could be done and promised Charles that he would talk to the water district and the city about Mrs. Tandy's dream. All three men stood in the corner of Charles' office, looking over the Trinity and beginning to dream about what it would mean to have this living sculpture in memory of Charles' wife. Charles urged Morris to quickly get the answer so Mrs. Tandy could enjoy her dream while she was still living. Charles remarked that he wasn't interested in having monuments to honor him after he was gone but instead wanted to build up our city and make Mrs. Tandy’s remaining time as pleasant as possible.

Charles Tandy
Two days later, Ted called Morris to tell him that Charles had passed away. At his funeral, Ted and Morris discussed what to do about the project, but they couldn’t think of a workable approach to discuss it with the family. Mrs. Tandy lived another 14 months and passed away on New Year’s Day, 1980. Without the dreamers, the dream of Fort Worth blanketed in cherry blossoms faded into the background.
Several years ago, Morris told Ruth Carter Stevenson this story and she responded that she was in the Tandy home the morning they found Charles dead. Ruth told Morris she wished the cherry blossom project had taken off because it would have been a beautiful addition to Fort Worth. As Morris listened to her, the dream of a beautiful Fort Worth lined with cherry blossoms was reignited once again.​