What is Texas Blossoms?
Texas Blossoms is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit headquartered in Fort Worth. Texas Blossoms beautifies historically underserved areas by planting beautiful blossoming trees in community spaces. The thousands of trees planted and maintained by Texas Blossoms improve local air quality, make the streets they line more beautiful, provide a home for vital pollinators, and mitigate “heat islands” in the hot summer months.
Where does Texas Blossoms plant trees?
Texas Blossoms began by planting trees along Randol Mill Road in East Fort Worth, and the organization has now expanded to servicing the entirety of Fort Worth, with special emphasis given to community areas and libraries. In addition to planting trees, Texas Blossoms has painted multiple murals to help accomplish its goal of making the community more vibrant. In the future, Texas Blossoms aims to further expand by creating local chapters in other large Texas cities.

How many trees has Texas Blossoms planted?
As of 2023, Texas Blossoms is proud to have planted nearly 1,600 trees in east Fort Worth. In addition to planting trees, the organization also prunes and waters the trees year-round, a responsibility which consumes hundreds of hours of labor annually.
What types of trees does Texas Blossoms plant?
Texas is brimming with Texas Redbud, Vitex, Eve's Necklace, Catawba Crape Myrtle, Desert Willow, Golden Raintree, Mexican Plum, Mexican Buckeye, Rusty Blackhaw, and Texas Mountain Laurel thanks to Texas Blossoms. As the program expands, Texas Blossoms will plant different species of flowering trees adapted to other Texas climates to continue to spread life and beauty.
What was the inspiration for Texas Blossoms?
The late Anne and Charles Tandy envisioned blanketing the banks of the Trinity River north of Downtown Fort Worth with cherry blossoms, and their dream lives on through Texas Blossoms. Decades after the Tandys passing, Texas Blossoms was founded, but the team quickly realized that cherry blossoms are ill-suited for North Texas' harsh summers. Determined not to abandon the dream, the nonprofit pivoted to planting other species of blossoming trees better suited to the climate; yet they kept the name "Texas Blossoms" as a reminder of its origin.

How much does it cost to water all these trees?
Every tree planted by Texas Blossoms requires regular watering in order to remain healthy. Depending on the time of year and temperature outside, the organization waters the trees between once every five days to once every two weeks. Texas Blossoms incurs a cost of roughly $750 to water 1,600 trees, or about 50 cents per tree each watering run.
How can I get involved?
Volunteers and donors are the lifeblood of Texas Blossoms. For those who can offer their time, visit the contact page to get connected with opportunities to plant and nurture beautiful trees. Persons wishing to make a tax-deductible donation may visit the donations page to learn more.
Does Texas Blossoms host community events?
Texas Blossoms is proud to host an annual fundraising gala filled with live music, drinks, hors d’ouevres, and community members. Texas Blossoms regularly gathers volunteers to plant/maintain trees or paint community murals. Follow us on Facebook to stay up to date on Texas Blossoms’ community events.