Texas Blossoms partners with local libraries as part of its mission to bring life and vibrancy to the community. Texas Blossoms believes that education is paramount to success and that libraries provide an indispensable service to the community. By planting beautiful blossoming trees, Texas Blossoms helps make local libraries attractive destinations for children and adults alike.
So far, Texas Blossoms has partnered with nine local libraries in Fort Worth across a variety of diverse zip codes (Diamond Hill/Jarvis, East Berry, East Regional, Meadowbrook, Northside, Ridglea, Riverside, Southwest Regional, and Wedgwood). Texas Blossoms will continue to partner with local libraries across Fort Worth and the great state of Texas. If your local library could could benefit from beautiful blossoming trees, please contact us so we can continue to spread life and vibrancy throughout diverse communities.

Texas Blossoms helps beautify Fort Worth by bringing green and flowering trees to the city. I am honored to partner with Texas Blossoms to bring this beauty to Fort Worth Public Library locations and I am appreciative of the hard work of the volunteers and community donations towards this effort. I am looking forward to the day when all libraries have trees!
–Manya Shorr,
Fort Worth Public
Library Director