Mary Louise Michie Arboreal Award of Excellence
Mary Louise Michie was the former President (1971-1972) and Garden Club President (1995-1997) of the Fort Worth Garden Club. Under her stewardship, over 100 million trees were planted across the United States, Mexico, and Latin America. The Mary Louise Michie Arboreal Award of Excellence recognizes organizations which plant and care for trees.
Texas Blossoms was proud to accept the Mary Louise Michie Arboreal Award of Excellence in 2019 for our tree planting efforts across Fort Worth. At the time of receiving the award, we were still operating on the name "Eastside Blossoms."

About the Fort Worth Garden Club
The Fort Worth Garden Club organized in 1926 with the express purpose "to cultivate a broader knowledge of gardening, horticulture, and design, to advocate for the protection of the environment, and to support the Fort Worth Botanic Garden."
In 1912, approximately 37.5 acres of natural land was purchased to become the site of Rock Springs Park. In 1926, Fort Worth's new City Forester, Raymond C. Morris, saw the opportunity to educate the public about plants and trees. The Fort Worth Municipal Rose Garden was dedicated in 1933, and Rock Springs Park officially became the Fort Worth Botanic Garden in 1934. Since then, the Botanic Garden has expanded to include multiple learning centers, additional boardwalks and paths, and the esteemed Japanese Garden.

Over the years, the Fort Worth Garden Club has been instrumental in the growth of the Fort Worth Botanic Garden. As part of their mission to educate the public and protect the environment, the Fort Worth Garden Club recognizes community groups with shared goals such as Texas Blossoms.